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Perry da Câmara e Associados, Consultores de Engenharia, Lda. is an engineering project company, specialized in the design of bridges and special structures.

Founded in April 1993, it maintains an intense professional activity in several areas of activity, including:

  • Design of bridges, railway and road viaducts and walkways;

  • Design of special structures;

  • Technical assistance to the works;

  • Support to contractors in the use of special construction processes;

  • Preparation of projects for design-build competitions;

  • Preparation of variants for contest

PC&A maintains collaboration agreements with several companies from other specialties, which allows it to coordinate multidisciplinary projects, especially in the area of road and rail infrastructures.

Its technical staff is composed of four civil engineers, three designers and a secretary, ensuring the support, whenever necessary, of specialists in the field of road design, architecture, geotechnics, environment, hydraulics, electrical installations and safety and health.

In the last three years, its turnover has averaged around €750,000.

The company is a member of the Association of Road and Bridge Designers, in which it was elected to the presidency of the Board through its managing partner, Eng. António Perry da Câmara.

Of the available software , programs stand out for:

  • Analysis in linear elastic regime of plane structures (frames and grids);

  • Analysis in non-linear elastic regime of frames;

  • Study of the construction processes of bridges, considering the rheological behavior of the materials (creep and shrinkage of the concrete and relaxation of the reinforcements), allowing to provide the files for geometric control of the execution of the works;

  • Three-dimensional analysis of structures by finite elements (SAP2000 Nonlinear);

  • Determination of the safety of prestressed reinforced concrete sections of any geometry, to the ultimate limit states of simple or composite bending and to the limit state of cracking;

  • Analysis and design of walls with nailing (STARS);

  • Computer Aided Design (Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D).


April 1993 – Foundation of the company by the partners Eng. António Perry da Câmara and José Maria Pedrosa de Abreu. Award of the first project by Brisa.

1994 – Realization of the first major railway project on the Mealhada/Mangualde section of the Beira Alta Line, which involved the project of twenty-nine uneven passages and a bridge.

1998 – Award of works of art for sub-section 2.2 of the Northern Line between Albergaria and Soure.

2000 – Design of 42 works of art, structures of four stops and two stations on the Lousado / Nine section of the Minho Line.

October 2000 – Eng. Pedrosa de Abreu leaves the company.

December 2002 – Joins Eng. Carlos Cintra Vieira as a partner.

July 2003 – Invitation to form the project group that came to carry out for TACE – Travessia do Tejo ACE the project of the Nova Travessia do Tejo in Carregado, the winning proposal of the competition.

May 2004 – Award of the project for the Nova Travessia do Tejo in Carregado in a consortium with Coba, Civilser and Arcadis, having been responsible for the project for the Bridge over the Tagus River to be inaugurated in July 2007.

March 2005 – Election for the presidency of the Association of Road and Bridge Designers.

January 2006 – In recognition of his professional activity, the President of the Republic, Dr. Jorge Sampaio, bestows on Eng. António Perry da Câmara with the Commendation of the Order of Merit.

November 2006 – Moved to the current premises on Av. Ilha da Madeira, in Restelo in Lisbon.

22 May 2007 – Closing of the bridge deck over the Tagus in Carregado, where PC&A coordinated the operation to move the two halves of the deck apart with the application of a horizontal force of 19,000 kN.

2011 -  Start of internationalization with the elaboration of the first project for Algeria.


Phone: (+351) 21 392 09 00
Fax: (+351) 21 392 09 09

Avenida Ilha da Madeira, 36, R/C
1400-204 Lisbon PORTUGAL



© 2025 Perry da Câmara e Associados Lda.

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